Award for Environment Minister's Commendation for Contributors to the Develompent of a Recycliing -oriented Society
Nippon Film was awarded 2008 Environment Minister's Commendation for Contributors to the Develompent of a Recycliing -oriented Society as an outstanding company for 3R Activities in the national contest under the sponsorship of the forum for the promotion of 3R Activities.
Environment Minister's Commendation for Contributors to the Development of a Recycling -Oriented Society Award
Environment Minister's Commendation for Contributors to the Develompent of a Recycliing -oriented Society was established by the Ministry of Environment in 2006. This award program gives to people, institutions and groups that have contributed to the promoton of 3Rs(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). And the aim is to materialize a Recycling-oriented Society.
3Rforum SITE

Details of the achievement are as follows
Our company promotes environment and people
friendly products, and contributes to the reduction of waste based on
the idea "garbage bags can be converted into resources".